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The Financial Samurai Podcast

Welcome to The Financial Samurai Podcast!

In 2H2017, I decided to start publishing audio versions of my posts for those of you who would rather listen than read. The audio versions contain little bits of nuances that you won’t find in the articles. They are also a way for me to build a library of thoughts for my children just in case I pass away before they become adults.

I hope these Financial Samurai podcasts make your commute or your exercise routine a little less painful.

Happy listening!



Jul 4, 2022

Thinking of retiring early to pursue new interests? In June 2022, I celebrated my 10-year anniversary of early retirement, or as I like to say, fake retirement. Here are my 11 most important takeaways. FIRE is worth it!

To help you achieve financial independence sooner, pick up a hard copy of my new book, Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom. It's full of actionable advice that also helps you tackle some of life's biggest dilemmas with less regret.

Also sign up for my free weekly newsletter so you never miss a thing. Financial Samurai started in 2009 and is one of the largest personal finance sites today with over 1 million organic pageviews a month.